13 Oct 2014

How to Survive a Zombie Apocalypse

How to Survive a Zombie Apocalypse 

 (Note we take no liability if the following fails)  

By Angalie Welivita 

It is secretly one of my all time dreams/ fears for a zombie apocalypse to occur in my lifetime. The amount of movies I've watched to prepare myself for the day when a zombie apocalypse will happen is a serious problem … but nonetheless I am fully prepared for one if it does occur. So I'm revealing some of my tactics to help you in a zombie apocalypse, please comment and share. 

1. Run & Hide- Literally run. 
Ideally run away from anyone trying to kill,eat, or turn you into  zombie. Hide from them until it is safe to get to a better area/ gather supplies. 

2. Supplies- gather as much clean water, medical supplies(first aid kit, and medications)a sterile kit and non-perishable food. whilst gathering supplies make sure you get some weapons, I would go for a knife and gun - remember don't forget the bullets. you'll also need duck tape and rope - never know when it could come in handy. 

3. If you're travelling by an automated vehicle - make sure you have petrol/gas and any other tools to keep a vehicle running. 
Ideally if I had the funds I would get this bad boy 

4. If you're travelling by foot- make sure you get a good pair of hiking shoes. Camping essentials such as a sleeping bag, lighter/matches, a tent if you can carry it, a torch (remember batteries) , if you're strong enough tools; that can help you hunt and catch fish would be beneficial as well. 

5. Be alert!!- always be alert, if you're in a group take it turns on who keeps watch. 

6. Keep up to date on what is happening in the surrounding areas. If you hear of a a safe zone, try and make your way to the zone. 
In order to keep up to date - you'll mot likely need a radio as it would be the most reliable technological device to help you 

7. You will need identification - therefore store all your original documentations (birth certificate, passport etc ) in an easily accessible place, so you can grab it quickly. 

8. prepare to kill - unfortunately you will most likely have to kill ( fight off) a zombie. Now this can be very daunting for most people, however it can be a life or death situation. 

9. Prepare to be killed- even worse than above ^ ; you may be killed yourself by the zombie, so be prepared for that. After all it is 'survival of the fittest and smartest' 

10. Make sure the apocalypse is real - some people do pranks to pretend zombie apocalypses are about to occur. Keep your guard up - but don't go all ninja on them until you know for sure … awkward if someone was playing a prank. 

Ultimately surviving a zombie apocalypse will come down to the choices each individual makes…. and whether or not they would do anything to survive. 

Below is a link which is an actual US Government emergency recommendation survival guide. Have a read and post in the comment section what you think. 

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