13 Oct 2014

How to deal with stress

How to Deal with Stress 

By Angalie Welivita 

Stress is something I struggle to deal with everyday of my life. Like most people you can't really tell your brain to flick a switch and stop making you feel stressed. However there are some practical ways to handle/ make it easier to deal with stress. 

1. Stress journal - as silly as it sounds, trying to figure out exactly what causes your stress will be the best thing for you. A stress journal will help with identifying the cause. A little notepad or book is all you need along with a pen. Every time you feel stressed write down what you were doing along with the time. Write down how how you physically and emotionally felt as well. 
An easy thing to do is to follow a scale. 

1 _________________________________________________________10 
lowest                                                                                                                                         happiest
(saddest, really stressed- physically and emotionally )                                                                  (happiest, not stressed at all) 

2. Things to avoid: 

Sometimes when you are feeling stressed it can be an easy option to go and have a smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol  or take drugs. 

Avoid these types of outlets. There are other options that do better for your body. 

3. Exercise - is one of the best ways to cope with stress as it releases endorphins which make you happier :D. Try to do 30min of exercise each day; even if it is going for a walk. 

4. Healthy diets - If you eat healthy foods , you have more nutrients in your body therefore giving you more energy - more energy = happier you 

5. Limit your caffeine intake - coffee, energy drinks and other unnatural sugar products can give you a temporary high , however when that ends your mood levels drop dramatically which ultimately can make you tired and lethargic . These moods can lead to higher stress levels. 

6. Take a break- Breaks are good!! We're not super humans, so having break is good. It allows the brain to stop and revive, clearing your mind up which can help you think clearly when you get back into work. 
What I tend to do is: 20 minutes of study then 10minute break time. During my break I may just get some fresh air, talk to my friends, go on Facebook. Do whatever you like. 

In terms of timing it is up to you. If you can study or do work for longer then push through! 

7. Don't isolate yourself- if you are feeling a little overwhelmed, talk to someone. Friends, family and professional councillors are always there for you. Don't bottle up your feelings, it's bad for your mental state and you will be physically and emotionally drained. This will only make stress worse for you. 

8. Management skills- Organise yourself. If studying for an exam use highlighters, flash cards, record and listen to key points; all these different ideas can help you actually absorb more information and remember it easily. 
In terms of the work place- decorate your desk with bright colours, put up pictures that make you smile. 

9. Music - music tends to be a great outlet in terms of calming me down. Make a playlist that has upbeat and happy music. 

Right now I must admit one song that makes me really happy and want to dance is Taylor Swifts -Shake it Off

10. You're Ok- Remember stress is normal, everyone experiences it and no one is perfect in handling it. So don't overwhelm yourself by trying to 'cure' your stress levels. Just try to avoid things that make you stressed - or even better try to overcome the obstacle you are facing

I would love to read any other recommendations in dealing with stress so comment below if you have any other tips. 

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