13 Oct 2014

Meet the Team


I'm currently studying a bachelor of business administration at Macquarie university while working at Woolworths. I'm an active member within a number of societies such as being vice president of the Vietnamese Student Association, ex vice president of the Macquarie Dance Academy and a member of the We all need grub society.

I currently have 8 years experience in hip hop dance, learning Brazilian ju-jitsu and playing oztag. I'm an adventurous guy willing to try anything.


Also known as GG!

I'm currently studying a Bachelor of Arts, majoring in Media at Macquarie University whilst working at Boost Juice and Personal Space Interiors! I'm an extremely out going person and love to see the best in people. I'm a major travel bug, being highly influenced by my parents who travel every second week. I'm currently saving to go on a European Contiki tour next year !! Like Ange, I'm also obsessed with my two dogs, black and blonde labrador's who i absolutely adore.
I love pretty things, going to new places and gaining new experiences, hanging with friends and downloading music! Being the food nut i am, i love to find new places to eat yummy food (especially breakfast- best meal of the day).


You can call me Ange :)

Currently studying a bachelor of Arts majoring in International Law and Global Governance at Macquarie University whilst working at Liqourland as a sales assistant and an office assistant at IDG communications.(what a mouthful)

A bit about myself …..
I'm obsessed with my dog ( a rare red husky) who I treat like a human and spend most my money on…
I secretly want a zombie apocalypse to happen - only if I have the tools to survive it or had a special potion I could drink that will make me immortal.
Im a self - proclaimed expert on ouija boards and anything to do with the supernatural, ghost, and holistic part of the universe. I secretly want to become a ghost buster or a spy or even a witch at Hogwarts. However my parents do say I need a more realistic career aspiration .. which ideally is to work for NGOs or the UN helping the disadvantaged.
I'm the type of person who saves cockroaches and any other insects, always watching where I walk so I won't kill one accidentally. I just can't bring myself to hurt any other living thing.

My goal in life is to help end poverty and be a helping hand in continuing the spread of world peace.


I study a double degree in Commerce and Law at Macq University, and I also do in-house legal work for a Telco company. When those two things aren't keeping me busy, I like to spend my time with friends and family, and I also have a few hobbies - driving and modifying cars, building things, keeping fit, playing soccer, enjoying my favourite music, collecting watches and exploring new places (near and far).

I love being hands-on and I think engineering is rad, so I'm always doing things DIY and learning as I go. I hope my experiences can help you do the same!

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