14 Oct 2014

How to pop

What is Popping?
A style of hip hop dance which originated from California during the 70's. Popping is can be seen as the contracting and loosening of muscles in a sharp movement creating a pop effect known as a pop or hit. popping can be seen as one of the fundamental movements needed for dancing the robot.

Step 1) Hold out one of your arms straight out with a slight bend in your elbow, remember to keep your arm relaxed and loose, if the arm is too tense then you wont be able to create the popping effect,

Step 2) Tense the muscles within that arm for 5 seconds.

Step 3) Relaxing that arm for 5 seconds.

Step 4) Repeat that step with twice then do it again, this time doing it one second less than before until you reach one second.

Step 5) TAKE A BREAK, this will allow your arm to process the movement and reduce you getting cramps of injured.

Step 6)Ttry step 1-4 again but doing it in half a second. you should start to see a popping like effect occur with your arm.

Step 7) Switch over to the other arm and repeat previous steps again.

Step 8) As you get more used to it try to tense even faster this will create a harder it.

Step 9) After you have mastered the basic pop, try and pop at different angles in the arm and different levels.

Step 10) Create a routine using what you have just learnt in it. show your friends and make them jealous that they can't do that awesome move

You can check out more Popping dance videos below:

Written by David

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